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                        HELD IN THE VILLAGE OFFICE ON June 28, 2023


PRESENT:  Councilor Nora McLearn, Councilor Mary Ferris, Councilor Jenny Cote, Village Clerk Cindy Berry, and Administrator Sandra Krushelniski


CALL TO ORDER:  Mayor Nora McLearn called the Special Meeting of Council to                                                       order at 4:36 p.m.                                                                                                                                                           


Signed Waiver of Notice of a Special Meeting to Discuss Finance of a New Ride On Lawn Mower, Letter to R.M. of Whiska Creek and Fire Invoice.


152/23 Letter to R.M. of Whiska Creek

Ferris:  That Council directs the Clerk to write to the R.M. of Whiska Creek No. 106 and request a 500 m buffer, which would prevent future residential development, around the landfill.                      


153/23 Fire Invoice

Cote:  That Council directs the Clerk to pay the fire invoice for 4 hours of time for 2 people, as a half day of training.  Further, the Clerk is directed to place an hourly pay scale on the agenda for a future fire meeting. 



154/23 Purchase of Lawn Mower

McLearn:  That Council rescinds the motion number 151/23. 


                                                            CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

155/23 Purchase of Lawn Mower

Ferris:  That Council agrees to purchase a John Deere Z545R Zero Turn mower and additional bumper, for a quoted price of $11581.27 taxes included.



156/23 Finance Purchase of Lawn Mower

Cote:  That Council agrees to a $2500.00 down payment on the purchase of the John Deere Z545R Zero Turn mower and additional bumper, and to finance the remaining $9081.27 over 48 months at 1.9% interest.  The monthly payment will be no more than $196.62.




ADJOURNMENT:  Mayor McLearn declared the meeting adjourned at 4:56 pm.




                                    _____________________                 ______________________                                                                              Mayor                                                Clerk

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