PRESENT: Mayor Nora McLearn, Councillor Jennifer Cote, Councillor Mary Ferris, Clerk Cindy Berry and Administrator Sandra Krushelniski
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor McLearn called the regular meeting of Council to order at 7:00 p.m.
243/23 Adoption of Agenda
Cote: That the Agenda be adopted with additions.
PRESENTATION: Shane and Colleen Wall joined the meeting at 7:00 pm to discuss the
purchase of the old post office for a commercial kitchen and store. Mr. and Mrs. Wall
left the meeting at 7:15 pm.
PUBLIC DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: Public Disclosure Statements were completed.
244/23 Minutes
Ferris: That the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 11, 2023 be approved.
245/23 Correspondence
Cote: That the following correspondence having been read, be accepted as information
and filed:
- Ambulance Statistics for September
- STARS Funding Request
- SAMA Audit Compliance
246/23 Financial Reports
Ferris: That bank reconciliations, cash receipts and cash payments for the month of
October 2023 be acknowledged and filed.
247/23 Payment of Accounts
Cote: That the following expenses for October 12, 2023 – November 15, 2023 are
#1026131 SaskTel 151.76 ---
Cindy Berry 1014.86 5514
TAXervice 472.50 5515
Square 15.07 ---
Square 1.42 ---
Square 3.82 ---
SUMA 80.00 5516
UMASS 105.00 5517
C. Berry (mileage) 259.60 5518
RCL Neville Branch 55.00 5519
Square 0.67 ---
Deposit Books 38.85 ---
Cindy Berry 1061.13 5520
Revenue Canada 1218.11 5521
Ben McLearn 50.00 5522
Harvey Linnen 175.00 5523
Nora McLearn 150.00 5524
Mary Ferris 90.00 5525
Jennifer Cote 90.00 5526
Sandra Krushelniski 111.00 5527
SaskPower 339.58 ---
SaskPower 171.79 ---
SaskEnergy 151.24 ---
SUMA 343.13 5528
MEPP 623.02 5529
SK Finance School Tax 817.22 5530
Square 4.39 ---
Square 1.42 ---
John Deere 151.76 5531
Leslie Lott 56.00 5532
Amber Belanger 168.00 5533
Southwest Booster 383.25 5534
Erin Vere 18.10 5535
Triways 1614.15 5536
Vanguard Co-Op 335.23 5537
Square 1.42 ---
Canada Post 96.60 5538
#8023 195 SaskPower 74.44 ---
SaskEnergy 75.39 ---
Void Cheque --- 971
Vanguard Co-Op 314.20 972
248/23 Council Monthly Reports
McLearn: That Council accepts the verbal Council Monthly Reports.
Neville Tax Enforcement
Council was updated on Tax Enforcement.
Nuisance Grounds
Council was updated on the new wood burning pit.
249/23 Fire Department Report
McLearn: That Council approves the Fire Report as presented.
250/23 Fire Department Mutual Aid Agreement
McLearn: That Council approves the Fire Mutual Aid Agreement.
251/23 Lagoon Report
Ferris: That Council accepts the written lagoon report for November 2023.
252/23 Nuisance Bylaw Enforcement
Cote: That Council directs the Clerk to have the deteriorating handicap ramp at the
former church, removed.
Nuisance Bylaw Enforcement
Council was informed that since they were the avenue of bylaw appeal that they were
not able to do the bylaw enforcement. This position is held by the Administrator or
253/23 Development Permit
Ferris: That Council approves the drawing for the development permit and removes
their conditions for approval.
254/23 Banking Authorization
Cote: That Council approves the Clerk to administer the Business Banking, accept
e-transfers of funds and authorizes the Clerk to transfer funds between accounts.
Development Appeal Hearing
Council was apprised of the situation and how the hearing will be chaired
255/23 Benefits for New Employees
Ferris: That Council approves a 13 week wait period for all new employees before the
SUMA Benefits package commences.
256/23 New Administration Hire
Cote: That Council considers hiring the new Administration person as an Assistant
Administrator and continuing with the current Administrator, rather than hiring under a
Conditional Certificate and a Mentor.
257/23 Webinars
Cote: Council directs the Clerk to register for Emerging Trends in Municipal Law
webinar to be held the morning of November 23, 2023 and the Introduction to Risk
Management in Recreation, to be held 12:00 on November 22, 2023.
258/23 Christmas Dinner
Ferris: That Council directs the Clerk to make reservations at Spring’s Garden
Restaurant for 13 people at 5 pm on December 16, 2023.
259/23 Wreath Donation
Cote: That Council ratifies the decision to donate $55.00 to the Royal Canadian Legion
Neville Branch 328 for the Remembrance Day Wreath.
260/23 2023 Audit – March 6-7, 2024
Ferris: That Council agrees to sign the Audit letters dealing with Responsibilities of
Auditor, Management and Council, and the Privacy Notice to Council. Further, Council
responded to, and signed, the Risk of Fraud questionnaire.
261/23 Bank Confirmation
Cote: That Council directs the Clerk to sign and forward to the Auditor the Bank
Confirmation form.
262/23 Insurance
Ferris: That Council approves the 5% increase to replacement cost values for 2024.
263/23 Clay from Nuisance Grounds
Cote: That Council agrees to the ratepayer request to use the clay from the nuisance grounds for decommissioning their well.
264/23 Removed
265/23 Resolution to Add Outstanding Utility Bills to Taxes
Cote: That Council directs the Administrator to transfer all outstanding Utility Bills to
the tax roll on December 31, 2023 as per Bylaw 5-2016.
266/23 Drop-In Contract
Ferris: That the Neville Recreation Board be charged $75.00 per month to cover
utilities (power, gas, and sewer) for every month that the Drop-In Center is open in
2024, and $1.00 per year lease. Further, Council directs the Administrator to draft this
agreement for Council and the Neville Recreation Board to sign.
267/23 Mileage
Cote: That the 2024 rate for mileage remain at $.59 per kilometer.
268/23 Council Remuneration
Ferris: That Council remuneration remain as follows for 2024: Mayor $150.00 per
month and Councilors $90.00 per month. Council will receive their monthly
remuneration if they have actively worked for council that month and, due to no fault of
their own, are unable to attend the Council meeting.
269/23 Maintenance Contract
Cote: That the Village of Neville continues to contract Harvey Linnen for maintenance
services for the Village for 2024. The contract will be for a minimum of 7 hours per
month at $26.00 per hour for maintenance and $26.00 per hour for mowing and snow
270/23 Deputy Mayor
McLearn: That Councilor Cote be appointed Deputy Mayor for 2024.
271/23 Development Appeal Board
Cote: That the following people are appointed to the Development Appeal Board for RM
of Lac Pelletier No. 107 for 2024:
Mayor Nora McLearn
Councilor Mary Ferris
Councilor Jennifer Cote
272/23 Solicitor
Ferris: That Anderson & Company be retained as Solicitors for 2024.
273/23 Auditor
Cote: That Dudley & Co. be appointed as Auditor for 2024.
274/23 Appointments
Cote: That the following appointments be made for 2024:
Snow Removal Council
Office – Personnel Council
- Complex Council
Sewer/Lagoon Council
Roadwork Council
Machine Maintenance Harvey Linnen
Finance Council
Animal Control Officer Council
Pest Control Officer Jim McDowell
Assessor Village Clerk
Prairie Pioneer Lodge Don Forness
Neville Development Appeal Brd Grant Scheirlinck, Murray Spetz and Bob Stennick
Ambulance Board Nora McLearn
Fire Board Council
Neville Rec Board Council
Board of Revision Notekeu Board of Revision
Secretary Board of Revision Notekeu Board of Revision
Nuisance Grounds Council
Lac Pelletier Ref. Park Rep. Doug Sherman and Nora McLearn
Notukeu Brd of Revision Don Forness
Emergency Contact List Village Administrator
Building Inspector Dan Knutson
Local Assistant to Fire Inspector Fire Chief
Mayor McLearn declared a pecuniary interest and left the meeting at 9:20 pm
275/23 Waste Water Collection
Ferris: That the Village of Neville agrees to contract Ben McLearn to supervise the
Waste Water Collection for 2024.
Mayor McLearn returned to the meeting 9:23 pm
Councillor Cote declared a pecuniary interest and left the meeting at 9:24 pm
276/23 Library Representative
Ferris: That the Village of Neville appoints Chris Cote as their representative to the
Chinook Regional Library for 2024. This appointment comes with an honourarium of
$50.00 per meeting attended, and all mileage paid.
Councillor Cote returned to the meeting 9:26 pm
277/23 Municipal Revenue Sharing Grant – Declaration of Eligibility
Ferris: The Council of the Village of Neville confirms the municipality meets the
following eligibility requirements to receive the Municipal Revenue Sharing Grant:
Submission of the 2022 Audited Financial Statement to the Ministry of Government Relations;
The municipality does not run a Municipal Waterworks System;
In Good Standing with respect to the reporting and remittance of Education Property Taxes;
Adoption of a Council Procedures Bylaw;
Adoption of an Employee Code of Conduct; and
All members of council have filed and annually updated their Public Disclosure Statements, as required; and
That we authorize the Administrator to sign the Declaration of Eligibility and submit it
to the Ministry of Government Relations.
278/23 Village Clerk Holiday Pay
McLearn: That Council agrees to the Clerk carrying over a maximum of $600.00 of
holiday pay into 2024. The remainder, if any, will be paid out in December 2023.
279/23 December 2023 Calendar
Cote: That Council approves the Office Calendar for December 2023, including the
Clerk’s holidays from December 19 to 31, and the year-end being January 4, 2024.
280/23 Bylaw 1-2023
Ferris: That Bylaw No. 1-2023, being a Bylaw Respecting Buildings, be introduced and
read a first time.
281/23 Bylaw 1-2023
Cote: That Bylaw No. 1-2023, being a Bylaw Respecting Buildings, be read a second
282/23 Bylaw 1-2023
Ferris: That Bylaw No. 1-2023 be given third reading at this meeting.
283/23 Bylaw 1-2023
Cote: That Bylaw No. 1-2023, being a Bylaw Respecting Buildings, be read a third time
and adopted.
The Business Bylaw and Cemetery Bylaw were presented for review.
284/23 Next Meeting
Ferris: That the next regular Council Meeting will be Wednesday December 13, 2023 at
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor McLearn declared the meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.
_____________________ ______________________
Mayor Clerk